Paruthipattu Home Care is one of Best Kitchen Cleaning Services in Paruthipattu. Wipe and Organize all exterior shelves cleaning of kitchen platform and Cabinets from outside, Loft Cleaning provided empty. Wipe and disinfect all exterior applications outside of the microwave, stove, counter-tops, sinks and refrigerator, Surface management that covers mirrors, windows, cleaning & floors, Treatment of wooden & steel services, Floor Cleaning, Wet & Dry mopping of floors. On general cleaning removing cobweb,
Kitchen Cleaning Normal and Modular Rs.999/- to 1999/- Normal kitchen cleaning Move out empty Kitchen cleaning Duration 90 minutes. Kitchen stage, wall tiles, floor tiles, washbasin, tap
Move in empty Kitchen cleaning Rs.999/-to1499/- Duration 120 minutes. Dusting, sweeping, and moping. Kitchen stage, wall tiles, floor tiles, washbasin, tap, fan
Kitchen deep cleaning Rs.2999/- Duration 3hrs Washbasin, window, exhaust fan, floor tiles, wall tiles, kitchen stage granites, cupboard, cabinets, stove, taps.
Modular Kitchen deep cleaning Rs.3999/- Duration 4hrs Dusting, sweeping, and moping. Washbasin, window, exhaust fan, floor tiles, wall tiles, kitchen stage granites, cupboard and doors, cabinets, stove, taps, chimney, fridge, fan, fittings and switches